Posted in: Community Service, Fan Club, Star Trek

My Star Trek Day interview on KRCL 90.9FM

The Treknologist plaque that I mentioned in the interview.

Wednesday, September 8 2021 was the 55th Anniversary of the Original Star Trek premier on NBC with the episode The Man Trap. Star Trek fans have been celebrating this date as Star Trek Day. There were several events that happened on this date including several series announcements for Star Trek: Prodigy, Star Trek: Picard (season three confirmed) and casting news for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

My friends from The Thermians from Utah Galaxy Quest fan club (hat tip to Frank and Roxanne) reached out to me to see if I wanted to be interviewed by Lara Jones the host of RadioACTive on Community Radio KRCL 90.9 FM. I had a great time talking by Zoom with Lara and we probably could have talked for several hours about Star Trek, Stargate, Star Wars and Doctor Who. But unfortunately I wasn’t the only guest scheduled for the hour long program.

Here is the link to the RadioACTive September 8th show notes with a recording of the interview. There is a brief introduction about Star Trek Day at the beginning followed by an interview regarding the Utah Greek Festival. Then the section with my interview starts around the 27:39 minute mark. After the interview I realized I mistakenly stated David Allen Stiers instead of David Ogden Stiers from MASH fame (I’m horrible with names). There is a little bit of electronic garble from the zoom connection, but other than that I thought the interview went pretty well. I was able to talk about Starfleet Command’s Seventh Fleet, what Star Trek meant to me and why am a Treknologist and she even mentioned this blog. Playing Star Trekkin by The Firm was a nice touch to wrap up the interview.

This isn’t the first time I’ve been interviewed. Back in the early 90’s a roommate was an intern at a local talk radio station and he got me on the air with a host to talk about Star Trek. I really hope I can find the tape recording of that interview as it now contains the voice of a friend who has long pasted on. I’ve been interviewed by magazines and local newspapers. Dan Pope of KTVX Ch 4 has interviewed me at FanX and I’ve been down to the Ch 4 studios for a cosplay special.

Thank you Lara Jones and KRCL 90.9FM for the opportunity to talk about Star Trek. I hope you all had a happy Star Trek Day. Live long and prosper.

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