Here are the Daily Star Trek Quotes that will appear on the @STrekQuotes twitter account for the week of December 13th through the 19th.
December 13
Happy Birthday to Christopher Plummer. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Christopher_Plummer #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #WeAreStarfleet
“I am constant as the Northern Star.” Chang (quoting Shakespeare)- Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Stardate: 9521.6 #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #WeAreStarfleet
Star Trek Nemesis premiered on this date in 2002. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek_Nemesis #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #WeAreStarfleet
“Romulan ale should be illegal.” Worf “It is.” LaForge- Star Trek Nemesis, Stardate: 56844.9 #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #WeAreStarfleet
December 14
“Oh s’il vous plaît, Mariner. I want to put humanity to the ultimate test.” Q “Okay, I’m not French. No. Go find Picard.” Mariner “Oh, Picard. He’s no fun, he’s always quoting Shakespeare, he’s always making wine…” Q- Veritas, Stardate: Unknown #StarTrek #StarTrekLowerDecks #WeAreStarfleet
December 15
Happy Birthday to Garrett Wang. @GarrettRWang https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Garrett_Wang #StarTrek #StarTrekVOY #WeAreStarfleet
“I don’t need anyone to choose my friends for me.” Kim- Caretaker, Stardate: 48315.6 #StarTrek #StarTrekVOY #WeAreStarfleet
December 16
“Since the days of the first wooden vessels, all shipmasters have had one happy privilege. That of uniting two people in the bonds of matrimony.” Kirk- Balance of Terror, Stardate: 1709.1 #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #WeAreStarfleet
December 17
“Our children are not for sale at any price.” Dr. Crusher- When the Bough Breaks, Stardate: 41509.1 #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #WeAreStarfleet
December 18
“We have the best crew in the fleet and the sturdiest ship. I promise you, we’ll get through this.” Archer- The Catwalk, Date: September 18, 2152 #StarTrek #StarTrekENT #WeAreStarfleet
December 19
“She’s a female, Rom, and the one constant in the universe is: females are trouble.” Quark- Doctor Bashir, I Presume?, Stardate: Unknown #StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #WeAreStarfleet