Here are the Daily Star Trek Quotes that will appear on the @STrekQuotes twitter account for the week of November 21st through November 27th.
November 21
Happy Birthday to Alexander Siddig. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Alexander_Siddig #StarTreK #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekTNG #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
“If push comes to shove, if something disastrous happens to the Federation, if we are frightened enough or desperate enough how would we react?” Dr. Bashir- Past Tense, Part I, Stardate: 48481.2 #StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
November 22
Star Trek: First Contact premiered on this date in 1996. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek:_First_Contact #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
“Someone once said…’Don’t try to be a great man…just be a man. And let history make its own judgments.’” Riker- Star Trek: First Contact, Stardate: 50893.5 #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
November 23
“Sometimes it’s a good idea to get away from being a Captain for awhile.” Janeway- Cathexis, Stardate: 48734.2 #StarTrek #StarTrekVOY #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
November 24
Happy Birthday to Dwight Schultz. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Dwight_Schultz #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekVOY #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
“Young children are sometimes frightened of the world. That doesn’t mean that their parents should let them stay in their cribs.” Barclay- The Nth Degree, Stardate: 44704.2 #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
Happy Birthday to Denise Crosby. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Denise_Crosby #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
“I think you should know that there is no physical training anywhere that matches Starfleet, especially its security people.” Yar- Code of Honor, Stardate: 41235.25 #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
November 25
Ricardo Montalban born on this date in 1920. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Ricardo_Montalban #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
“He tasks me. He tasks me and I shall have him. I’ll chase him round the moons of Nibia and round the Antares maelstrom and round perdition’s flames before I give him up.” Khan- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Stardate: 8130.3 #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
Jeffrey Hunter born on this date in 1926. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Jeffrey_Hunter #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
“You either live life – bruises, skinned knees and all – or you turn your back on it and start dying.” Pike- The Cage, Stardate: Unknown #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
November 26
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home premiered on this date in 1986. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek_IV:_The_Voyage_Home #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
“Do you trust me?” Gillian “Implicitly.” Kirk “Good. Large mushroom, pepperoni with extra onions and a Michelob, please.” Gillian- Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Stardate: 8390.0 #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
November 27
Happy Birthday to Alison Pill. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Alison_Pill #StarTrek #StarTrekPicard #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
“One impossible thing at a time.” Dr. Jurati- Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2, Stardate: Unknown #StarTrek #StarTrekPicard #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet