Posted in: Website

Website construction continues

So I have the basic plan for this website planned out. I’ve started putting the skeletal structure in place and will be adding the meat to the bones soon. I’ll be concentrating on the about and gaming sections first. Eventually I will get the other sections filled out as well.

For the blog posts, I will be posting on subjects that capture my fancy at the time. I’ve already had a few geeky ideas pop in my head. In January, I will be participating in the 31 day #CharacterCreationChallenge where you create a new role playing game character for each day of the month (as part of the “New Year, New You” theme). These entries will be blog posts and I can’t wait to see how it turns out.

The photo gallery will contain photos from a variety of events and dates in my life. Most will include meeting various famous people, seeing things that I geek out about and just general stuff that I want to share.

If there are any items you’d like to see, let me know by emailing Carl (at)

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