Posted in: Quotes, Star Trek

Daily Star Trek Quotes: October 25-31

When someone didn’t get my last joke.

Here are the Daily Star Trek Quotes that will appear on the @STrekQuotes twitter account for the week of October 25th through the 31st.

October 25
“Quark may lend you the money, but remember Rule of Acquisition 111: ‘Treat people in your debt like family… exploit them’.” Worf- The Darkness and the Light, Stardate: 50416.2 #StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #WeAreStarfleet

October 26
Happy Birthday to Anthony Rapp. @albinokid #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #WeAreStarfleet

“At the quantum level, there is no difference between biology and physics. No difference at all.” Stamets- Context is for Kings, Stardate: Unknown #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #WeAreStarfleet

October 27
Happy Birthday to Robert Picardo. @RobertPicardo #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #WeAreStarfleet

“Now I know how Hippocrates felt when the king needed him to trim a hangnail.” The Doctor- Parallax, Stardate: 48439.7 #StarTrek #StarTrekVOY #WeAreStarfleet

October 28
Star Trek: Prodigy premieres on this date in 2021 with the episode Lost & Found. #StarTrek #StarTrekProdigy #WeAreStarfleet

“I’m Kathryn Janeway, your training advisor. I’m a hologram based on one of the most decorated captains in starfleet history. Programmed to assist the Protostar’s crew on their journey back to Federation space.” Janeway Hologram- Lost & Found, Stardate: Unknown #StarTrek #StarTrekProdigy #WeAreStarfleet

October 29
“I was drinking Scotch a hundred years before you were born and I can tell you that whatever this is it is definitely not Scotch.” Scotty- Relics, Stardate: 46125.3 #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #WeAreStarfleet

October 30
William Campbell born on this date in 1923. #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekDS9 #WeAreStarfleet

“Oh, how absolutely typical of your species. You don’t understand something, so you become fearful.” Trelane- The Squire of Gothos, Stardate: 2124.5 #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #WeAreStarfleet

October 31
“We’re going to be showing the three greatest horror movies ever made. Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein and Son of Frankenstein.” Tucker- Horizon, Date: January 10, 2153 #StarTrek #StarTrekENT #WeAreStarfleet

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