Here are the Daily Star Trek Quotes that will appear on the @STrekQuotes Twitter account and the @STrekQuotes Mastodon account for the week of February 13th through February 19th.
February 13
“One question that burned in every Human, that made us study the stars and dream of traveling to them. Are we alone?” Archer- Terra Prime, Date: January 22, 2155 #StarTrek #StarTrekENT #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
February 14
Happy Birthday to Andrew Robinson. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Andrew_Robinson #StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
“Why is it no one ever believes me even when I’m telling the truth?” Garak- Improbable Cause, Stardate: Unknown #StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
Happy Birthday to Simon Pegg. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Simon_Pegg #StarTrek #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
“The notion of transwarp beaming is like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet, whilst wearing a blindfold, riding a horse. Scotty- Star Trek (2009) #StarTrek #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
February 15
“Why pretend we’re going home at all? All we’re going to do is investigate every cubic millimeter of this Quadrant, aren’t we?” The Doctor- The Cloud, Stardate: 48546.2 #StarTrek #StarTrekENT #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
February 16
Happy Birthday to LeVar Burton. @levarburton https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/LeVar_Burton #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekPicard #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
“He wants the impossible…!” Wesley “That’s the short definition of ‘captain’.” La Forge- The Ensigns of Command, Stardate: 43133.3 #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
February 17
Happy Birthday to Jerry O’Connell. @MrJerryOC https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Jerry_O%27Connell #StarTrek #StarTrekLowerDecks #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
“Starfleet isn’t all about being fed fruit by erotic aliens with slightly different nose ridges. Sometimes, you gotta get your hands dirty.” Ransom- The Least Dangerous Game, Stardate: Unknown #StarTrek #StarTrekLowerDecks #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
February 18
“Starfleet is not an organization that ignores its own regulations when they become inconvenient.” Picard- The Measure of a Man, Stardate: 42523.7 #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet
February 19
“What is loneliness?” Rayna “It is thirst. It is a flower dying in the desert.” Flint- Requiem for Methuselah, Stardate: 5843.7 #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet