So I logged onto the @STrekQuotes daily Star Trek Quotes on Wednesday, May 11th to check the various responses from different Star Trek fans and I was surprised about an anniversary announcement.
Wow, I knew that the date was coming up soon, but I wasn’t keeping track of when it would hit. So yes, this took me by surprise. Twitter had this pre-made image and tweet ready to go with the hashtag of #MyTwitterAnniversary. It just felt… flat. While I liked the hashtag, I had to re-write the text to something that said “thank you” to all of the followers who encouraged me to continue posting inspiring and funny quotes from Star Trek. I then took the above screen shot and sent it out to social media. This resulted in almost twenty new followers to this project. Thank you for following.
If you’ve read my past blog entries, you’ll see how every Monday I post the week’s worth of quotes every Monday. That is because every Sunday I sit down and list out the quotes for the week. If there is an actor’s birthday or a premier anniversary date, then the quote comes from that actor/show. Obviously the way I put this together now is much different than it was ten years ago. Out of curiosity, I looked up the very first quote and re-discovered that it was this.
I re-read the first month of posts and it brought back many memories. Thinking back, it actually got to the point where I had to set up an excel spreadsheet to keep track of the various quotes that were used. I already had a list assembled from a variety of sources on a text file, but it wasn’t very helpful when trying to put together the next set of quotes. The spreadsheet allowed me to quickly find quotes from a speaker or episode or series, etc. Eventually I started watching episodes with the sole intent of mining the episode for trivia and impressive quotes. So far this spreadsheet has over 7,600 entries, and I still haven’t gone through all of the episodes.
If these quotes have inspired you, please let me know. I recall the Terry Farrel fan club letting me know that they were impressed with a Dax quote one year as it was not one they were expecting. If you want to make a request (yes I’ve had a few people ask for a special quote on their birthday). I plan to get all of the episodes mined and I hope to go on inspiring. And when I watch the new Star Trek series, I specifically keep an eye out for inspirational or funny quotes.
Here is to another ten years of using Star Trek to inspire and entertain.