Posted in: Quotes, Star Trek

Daily Star Trek Quotes: November 28-December 4

How it feels hearing Christmas music in the stores.

Here are the Daily Star Trek Quotes that will appear on the @STrekQuotes twitter account for the week of November 28st through December 4th.

November 28
Happy Birthday to Scarlett Pomers. #StarTrek #StarTrekVOY #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet

“It sounds like you two need each other. I mean, think about it. Flotter, your water helps his trees grow, and Trevis, your branches shade his pond from the sun. It’s a well-known fact that the sun makes water evaporate.” Naomi- Once Upon A Time #StarTrek #StarTrekVOY #IDIC

November 29
“On Earth, miners used to take canaries into the tunnels with them. If the canary didn’t die, the miners knew the air would be safe to breathe, and they could proceed.” Archer- Harbinger, Date: December 27, 2153 #StarTrek #StarTrekENT #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet

November 30
“I’m sure there is an answer. It simply has not yet been discovered.” Spock- The Devil in the Dark, Stardate: 3196.1 #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet

December 1
“Coward! Like all Starfleet! You talk and you talk, but you have no guramba.” Nausicaan “What did you say?” Picard “I said, you are a coward!” Nausicaan “That’s what I thought you said.” (hits him) Picard- Tapestry, Stardate: Unknown #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet

December 2
“I monitor my gross income hourly. My hourly figures become my indicators. My indicators become my projections.” Quark- Sanctuary, Stardate: 47391.2 #StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet

December 3
“Because without us to hate, there’d be nothing to hold them together. So the Party has built us into a threat.” Isak- Patterns of Force, Stardate: Unknown #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet

December 4
Happy Birthday to Tony Todd. @TonyTodd54 #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet

“This is Captain Kurn of the Hegh’ta. We come to defend the Empire and to follow the banner of Gowron.” Kurn- Redemption, Stardate: 44995.3 #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet

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