Since this is a relaxing day (Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone) I thought I’d drop a quick post with more memes that I’ve created in the past. You can see the past memes I’ve created here: Part I, Part II and Part III.

After seeing the image of the chicken at the table, I knew that I’d have to make a variation of the Screaming Lady vs Cat meme. I believe that I created this using MS Paint.

When Pokemon Go became really popular, it scared me a little. I was amazed at how big it became in a short time. I remember reading about people renting dogs just to have the excuse of “I was walking my dog” while out playing the game. I know that warnings had to be sent out stating “no you can’t play Pokemon Go in high security areas even if the good Pokemon are out there.” So when I saw this image from Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, The Game, I had to make a meme out of it. Full disclosure: Had there been a Star Trek version of Pokemon Go, I probably would have played the hell out of it.

A few years ago I was going through several college courses to earn my Bachelor’s degree. The release schedule for a new role playing game was always coming out at the wrong time. If I wasn’t careful, I could become easily distracted. Especially if the course subject was really boring.

The family watched The Princess Bride as one of our feel good movies today. It reminded me of the time I altered the quote from the movie to make it sound like something Worf would have said if he was cast in the movie.
I hope this batch of memes brought a smile to your face. I’ll be posting more soon, but probably not until after January which will be consumed by the 2022 Character Creation Challenge.