Welcome to Day 8 of the RPGaDAY 2024 Challenge. Today we will be talking about “An accessory you appreciate.” I like the wording of this one. It didn’t ask for best or latest, just one you appreciate.
There are several options that I could choose from. I’ve talked about several items that I’ve picked up and used. The Dunce Dice Chair made me chuckle, especially when I put my Jason Fox D20 on it. I’ve gotten a ton of use out of my Convention Backpack. While attending cons I’ve been introduced to various battle mats and a deck of 52 cards that has helped me GM games.
However, I think the accessory that I appreciate the most, when it comes to RPGs, is the internet. I’ve been able to share my creativity through this blog. I’ve been able to read other RPG and Geek blogs, talk on message boards, Discord and social media (while dodging the crap that is on the later). Purchase PDFs from DriveThruRPG, Humble Bundle and Bundle of Holding and more. I’ve been able to do some gaming on Virtual Table Tops, but I will never use Fantasy Grounds again. The interactions with game designers and authors alone has been worth the price of admission. A lot of times I wished I was back in the 80’s and 90’s. But then I look at the advantages that the internet has provided and I’m glad that I’m living now.
Is there an RPG accessory that you have appreciated the most? Tell me about it. This article is open for discussion on the TardisCaptain dot Com Discord server. You can also email me at Carl (at) TardisCaptain.com with any comments.