Posted in: Role Playing Games

RPGaDAY2024 Day 16: Quick to Learn

For Day 16 of the RPGaDAY 2024 Challenge we have been asked to talk about an RPG that is Quick to Learn. This sounds really similar to the Day 6 entry of an RPG that is Easy to Use. In that post, I talked about a game that I had played that covered the subject. To mix things up, I’m going to post about a game that I haven’t played yet, but sounds easy to use from reading the rules.

Back in the 2022 Character Creation Challenge, I was able to make a character for Tiny Dungeons 2nd Edition. The basis of the system is that you roll 2d6 when attempting a task and if you roll a 5 or a 6 on either die, then you are able to complete the task. If the GM determines that you have an advantage while attempting the task, they will let you roll 3d6. Likewise, if it is determined that you have a disadvantage, you only roll a single d6. When I created characters for Tiny Frontiers, Tiny Spies and Tiny Wastelands the system was the same. Making a character was also quick and easy.

I thought someone had mentioned the Tiny d6 system in response to my Day 6 entry, but I couldn’t find it. So thank you to the person who reminded me of this system. It sounds like a good system to use for a quick pick-up game or a convention one-shot. I’d like to try this at a future SaltCON and see how it is received. Another advantage of easy rules is, if I can understand it quickly, I can try to get some friends involved quickly as well.

Is there an RPG that you thought sounded easy from reading the rules? Tell me about it. This article is open for discussion on the TardisCaptain dot Com Discord server. You can also email me at Carl (at) with any comments.

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