So the theme for Day 30 of the #RPGaDAY2023 Challenge is “Obscure RPG you’ve played.” Does it count if it’s so obscure you don’t even remember playing it?
So a little bit of a background. In 2021 I was going through some old boxes and found a three-ringed binder full of old character sheets. So one of the things I thought I’d do is scan them and post them here in this blog. In my previous character sheet entries I posted characters from Dungeons and Dragons, the FASA Doctor Who RPG, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, Vampire: The Masquerade, WEG Star Wars the Star Trek RPG by FASA, GURPS, Marvel Superheroes and Warhammer Fantasy.
One of the character sheets that I had found in the book was for a game called Star Ace. It was a science fiction based RPG released by Pacesetter in 1984 that I remember seeing advertisements for. But I never owned a copy of it myself. So imagine my surprise when I was going through this book after many years of looking at it and finding a Star Ace character sheet with my handwriting on it. The sheet itself appears to have been hand written and then photocopied. There were no other notes found on the back or with the sheet. So I think I may have played this game at least once? But I don’t recall anything about it.

Apparently the character of Drath Staybor (where did I pull that name from?) was a starfighter pilot who was also good with a bullwhip. I know I had no kinky streaks in me at the time so I must have been combining Luke Skywalker or Starbuck with Indiana Jones and some ninja skills thrown in. I don’t know.
When I looked up to see if this game was available now, I couldn’t find it on DriveThruRPG or Amazon. It did show up on one of the online RPG second hand stores for much more than I wanted to pay for. I couldn’t justify $75 for a game I’ll probably never get a chance to play. So yea, this game definitely counts in the obscure category.
Have you ever played an obscure roleplaying game? Tell me about it. This article is open for discussion on the TardisCaptain dot Com Discord server. You can also email me at Carl (at) TardisCaptain.com with any comments.