Here are the Daily Star Trek Quotes that will appear on the @STrekQuotes Twitter account and the @STrekQuotes Mastodon account for the week of August 26th through September 1st. Coming soon to Bluesky once we can find a scheduler option.
August 26
Happy Birthday to Chris Pine. #StarTrek #StarTrekFilm #WeAreStarfleet #Quote
“I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.” Spock “See? We are getting to know each other!” Kirk- Star Trek (2009) #StarTrek #StarTrekFilm #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet #Quote
August 27
“You can’t let wishful thinking guide your decision, Counsellor. It’s time to leave.” Ro “We will separate the ship when I decide that it’s time and not before. Is that clear, Ensign?” Troi- Disaster, Stardate: 45156.1 #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet #Quote
August 28
“I dreamt about exploring the stars as a child and I wasn’t going to allow any… handicap-not a chair, not a Cardassian station-to stop me from chasing that dream.” Melora- Melora, Stardate: 47229.1 #StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet #Quote
August 29
(Holding up a fancy sword) “A Claymore. You’re a beauty.” Scotty- Day of the Dove, Stardate: Unknown #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet #Quote
August 30
“Mr. Data, what kind of cake is this?” Picard “It is a cellular peptide cake.” Data “With mint frosting.” Worf- Phantasms, Stardate: 47225.7 #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet #Quote
August 31
“I dread the day when everyone on this ship agrees with me.” Janeway- Random Thoughts, Stardate: 51367.2 #StarTrek #StarTrekVOY #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet #Quote
September 1
“Our mission is to make contact with those whom humans consider new life and new civilizations.” T’Pol- The Andorian Incident, Date: June 19, 2151 #StarTrek #StarTrekENT #IDIC #WeAreStarfleet #Quote
What are your favorite daily Star Trek quotes selected for this week? This article is open for discussion on the TardisCaptain dot Com Discord server. You can also email me at Carl (at) or click on my social media links with any comments.